Frequently Asked Questions

No need to be an expert in Dentistry. We make it easier for you to understand dental treatments. Below you will find the most commonly asked questions from our patients. You can also reach us with your individual personal questions directly. We are here to help!

Dental implants look like a screw, that is placed in the jawbone to replace the missing or damaged teeth root. They are usually made of titanium. Titanium is very durable and well accepted by the human body. These dental fixtures have a success rate of 98% 

Before the dental implant surgery, our expert dentists will numb the area with a local anesthetic and sedative (if requested) so you will not feel any pain or discomfort. After the surgery, you will receive painkillers and antibiotics for the next few days.

The dental implant surgery will take around 2 hours. This depends on the number of implants that need to be placed.

Dental implants come with a lifetime guarantee.

Dental implants in Türkiye start from as low as £210 per implant.

As long as your jawbone is suitable to hold the dental implants and your medical history does not affect the implants, you are a good candidate. There are no age limitations for this surgery.

If you have one or multiple missing teeth, it will be highly recommended to get implants placed. Dental implants are important for it helps in many things at the same time. It will hold the other teeth in their places so they won’t move and cause a domino effect for the whole jaw teeth. Moreover, having the implant will allow our patients to continue the natural chewing. This keeps the bone structure underneath intact and also protects the teeth next to it.

A solution of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide will be coated on the tooth and will be activated with a laser. This is a pain-free non-invasive treatment.

The results of teeth bleaching can be seen immediately. The procedure will continue working for the next few days after the treatment and the shade of your teeth will get lighter.

Teeth bleaching treatment will take around 1 hour.

This depends on the eating and drinking habits of our patients. It usually lasts between 1 to 2 years.

It is recommended to get teeth cleaning every 6 months.

Once the teeth have been cleaned, they will be coated with fluoride. This will help with the sensitivity which might occur in the first 24 hours.

After carefully examining your gum and teeth condition, our dentists will start with the removal/scaling of the plague and debris one by one from the below the gum line up to the surfaces. This will be repeated for each tooth.

Freed from the debris and plague, each tooth will be polished, so they become smooth and have a glossy look.

The treatment will be completed with a protective fluoride coating.

Veneers look like fake nails (Shells) and crowns like caps. These are available in porcelain fused metal, ceramic crowns/veneers, porcelain veneers/crowns, and zirconia.

Dental examinations and medical history are essential to determine the underlying conditions causing the illnesses and the treatment plan.

Most of the time, bad breath is caused due to poor dental hygiene and can be treated by regular tooth brushing, flossing, using mouth wash, and drinking daily sufficient water.

Other causes may be some medical conditions like acid reflux, and dry mouth. It might also sign for infections, and issues with gums and/or teeth.

If the bad breath continues after good dental hygiene, we would advise seeing a dentist for a detailed consultation.

Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, there are many options to choose a new shape and color for your teeth. These can be archived with composite bonding, veneers, laminate, crowns, gum contouring, etc.

Depending on the size of the crack it is possible to save it with white fillings, inlay/onlay/overlay, and composite bonding. Dental crowns/veneers can also be used.

A missing or multiple missing teeth can be replaced with implants, bridges, and partial and complete dentures. Depending on the medical condition of the patient. 

Periodontal disease AKA gum disease is an infection of the gum tissue that can lead to bone and tooth loss, if not treated.

Everything starts with oral hygiene, scheduled visits to your dentists, and getting your teeth cleaning done on a regular basis. These simple preventive measures can protect you from lots of dental issues.

Our expert dentists have over 35 years of experience in dentistry and they have treated thousands of patients so far. We understand how you feel. So, we take our time with your treatment and our goal is to make you as comfortable and relaxed as possible. While in treatment, you will receive local anesthetics and oral sedatives upon your request.

No. General anesthesia is not permitted at clinics.

The All-on-4 dental implant systems are the best-invented options if you need a full arch dental replacement. This can be only for the upper arch or lower arch, or both.

The All-on-4 system means that a new set of teeth is fixed on 4 implants that are placed in the jawbone where the bone density is the highest.

We accept cash payments only.

Depending on the number of visits you will be required to pay the amount for that specific visit only.

Yes, we do offer composite bonding in 1 appointment.