White-Tooth Colored Fillings / Inlay, Onlay, Overlay

In the past, amalgam fillings were used to fill the cleaned cavity area of the teeth. Thanks to the technology today, amalgam has been replaced with tooth-colored/white fillings, Inlay, Onlay, and Overlay. Making them look like nothing has ever happened.

Once the cavity has been removed, depending on the size of the area that needs to be filled, your dentists will recommend you your options.

Most of the time, white fillings are used to fill the tooth. They are known as white fillings but actually, your dentist will be mixing colors (composite resin comes in different shades) to match your natural teeth.

Inlays, Onlays, and Overlays AKA indirect fillings/indirect restorations are performed if the area that needs filling is too large or the top part of the teeth is lost. Depending on the coverage area, they are named inlay, onlay, and overlay.

These are made in the lab, usually made out of porcelain material. Matching your overall tooth color and shape.

Our dentists will take a mold of the area that needs the filling and send the mold to the lab for production. Once it is back, same as veneers/crowns, they will be cemented with a strong bonding material.

When you leave our clinic, the final look will be natural-looking healthy teeth.